How to find HTML elements by class with Cheerio?

How to find HTML elements by class with Cheerio? | ScrapingBee

This div has a class of example

This div also has a class of example

This div does not have a class of example


// Load the HTML content into a Cheerio object
const $ = cheerio.load(html);

// Find all div elements with a class of “example” using the class selector
const divsWithClass = $(‘div.example’);

// Iterate over each div element with a class of “example” and print its text content
divsWithClass.each((i, div) => {

// Output:
// This div has a class of example
// This div also has a class of example
“>This div has a class of example

This div also has a class of example

This div does not have a class of example


// Load the HTML content into a Cheerio object
const $ = cheerio.load(html);

// Find all div elements with a class of “example” using the class selector
const divsWithClass = $(‘div.example’);

// Iterate over each div element with a class of “example” and print its text content
divsWithClass.each((i, div) => {

// Output:
// This div has a class of example
// This div also has a class of example
“>This div has a class of example

This div also has a class of example

This div does not have a class of example


// Load the HTML content into a Cheerio object
const $ = cheerio.load(html);

// Find all div elements with a class of “example” using the class selector
const divsWithClass = $(‘div.example’);

// Iterate over each div element with a class of “example” and print its text content
divsWithClass.each((i, div) => {

// Output:
// This div has a class of example
// This div also has a class of example

You can find HTML elements by class in
by using the class selector.

Here’s some sample code that demonstrates how to find all div elements with a class of example using Cheerio:

const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const html = `

This div has a class of example

This div also has a class of example

This div does not have a class of example

`; // Load the HTML content into a Cheerio object const $ = cheerio.load(html); // Find all div elements with a class of "example" using the class selector const divsWithClass = $('div.example'); // Iterate over each div element with a class of "example" and print its text content divsWithClass.each((i, div) => { console.log($(div).text()); }); // Output: // This div has a class of example // This div also has a class of example

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