How to web scrape Zillow’s real estate data at scale

If you’re looking to buy or sell a house or other real estate property, Zillow is an excellent resource with
of property listings and detailed market data.

In addition to traditional real estate purposes, the data available on Zillow comes in handy for market analysis, tracking housing trends, or building a real estate application.

This tutorial will guide you to effectively scrape Zillow’s real estate data at scale using Python, BeautifulSoup, and the ScrapingBee API.

cover image

TL;DR: Full Zillow Listings Python Scraper

For those in a hurry, here’s the scraper we’ll build in this tutorial. Here, we’re sending our requests using
ScrapingBee’s Python SDK
to bypass Zillow’s anti-scraping mechanisms and handle any technical complexities when scaling the project.

Remember to swap out “Your_ScrapingBee_API_Key” with your actual ScrapingBee API key, you can retrieve this API key
. For more details on how to use the API and its features, refer to the official
ScrapingBee Documentation.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import json

from scrapingbee import ScrapingBeeClient

def scrape_listing_details(listing_url,  client):

    print(f"Making request for URL: {listing_url}")

    response  =  client.get(



            "stealth_proxy":  "True",



    details  =  {"Price History":  [],  "Zestimate":  None}

if response.status_code  ==  200:

        print("Request successful")

        soup  =  BeautifulSoup(response.content,  "lxml")

        # Scrape the Zestimate value

        zestimate_element  =  soup.find("p",  {"data-testid":  "primary-zestimate"})

if zestimate_element:

            zestimate  =  zestimate_element.get_text(strip=True)

            details["Zestimate"]  =  zestimate 

        # Scrape the Price History table

        price_history_table  =  soup.find("table",  class_="StyledTableComponents__StyledTable-sc-shu7eb-2")

if price_history_table:

            rows  =  price_history_table.find("tbody").find_all("tr")

for row in rows:

                # Extracting the details from each row

                cells  =  row.find_all("td")

                if len(cells)  ==  3: # Making sure the row matches the expected format

                    date  =  cells[0].get_text(strip=True)

                    event  =  cells[1].get_text(strip=True)

                    price_text  =  cells[2].get_text(strip=True)

if "$" in price_text:


                            price  =  price_text.split('$')[1] # Split and access the price part

                            price  =  f"${price}" # Reformat to include the dollar sign

                        except  IndexError:

                            price  =  "N/A" # if the expected part is not found


                        price  =  "N/A"

                    details["Price History"].append({"Date":  date,  "Event":  event,  "Price":  price})

return details

def scrape_zillow_listings(base_url,  num_pages_to_scrape,  json_filename):

    # Initialize a list to store the scraped data

    scraped_data  =  []

for page_number in range(1,  num_pages_to_scrape  +  1):

        # Construct the URL for the current page

        page_url  =  f"{base_url}/{page_number}_p/"

        client  =  ScrapingBeeClient(api_key="Your_ScrapingBee_API_Key")

        print(f"Making Request for page {page_number} ... ")

        response  =  client.get(



                "stealth_proxy":  "True",

                "wait_browser":  "load",



        # Check if the request was successful

if response.status_code  ==  200:

            soup  =  BeautifulSoup(response.content,  "lxml")

            # Find all the listing elements on the current page

            listing_elements  =  soup.find_all("li",  class_="ListItem-c11n-8-84-3__sc-10e22w8-0")

            # Iterate through each listing element

for listing in listing_elements:

                # Check edge case

if listing.find("div",  {"data-renderstrat":  "timeout"}):


                # Extract the URL from the 'a' tag within the listing

                url_element  =  listing.find("a",  {"data-test":  "property-card-link"})

                url  =  url_element.get("href") if url_element else "N/A"

if url  !=  "N/A":

                    details  =  scrape_listing_details(url,  client)


                    details  =  {"Price History":  "N/A",  "Zestimate":  "N/A"}

                # Extract information from other elements with conditional checks

                address  =  listing.find("address",  {"data-test":  "property-card-addr"})

                address  =  address.text.strip() if address else "N/A"

                price  =  listing.find("span",  {"data-test":  "property-card-price"})

                price  =  price.text.strip() if price else "N/A"

                # Extract bed, bath, and size using CSS selectors

                beds_element  =  listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('bds') b")

                beds  =  beds_element.text.strip() if beds_element else "N/A"

                baths_element  =  listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('ba') b")

                baths  =  baths_element.text.strip() if baths_element else "N/A"

                size_element  =  listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('sqft') b")

                size_sqft  =  size_element.text.strip() if size_element else "N/A"

                status_element  =  listing.find(

                    "div",  class_="StyledPropertyCardDataArea-c11n-8-84-3__sc-yipmu-0 dbDWjx"


                status_text  =  status_element.get_text(strip=True) if status_element else "N/A"

                status  =  status_text.split('-')[-1].strip() if "-" in status_text else status_text

                listing_by_element  =  listing.find(

                    "div",  class_="StyledPropertyCardDataArea-c11n-8-84-3__sc-yipmu-0 jretvB"


                listing_by  =  listing_by_element.text.strip() if listing_by_element else "N/A"

                # Store the extracted information as a dictionary

                listing_data  =  {

                    "URL":  url,

                    "Address":  address,

                    "Price":  price,

                    "Beds":  beds,

                    "Baths":  baths,

                    "Size (sqft)":  size_sqft,

                    "Status":  status,

                    "Listing By":  listing_by,



                # Append the listing data to the list


    # Export the scraped data to a JSON file

    with open(json_filename,  "w") as json_file:

        json.dump(scraped_data,  json_file,  indent=4)

        print(f"Scraped Results successfully saved to {json_filename}!")

# Specify the base URL, number of pages to scrape, and preffered filename

base_url  =  ""

num_pages_to_scrape  =  5

json_filename  =  "zillow_listings.json"

# Call the scraping function

scrape_zillow_listings(base_url,  num_pages_to_scrape,  json_filename)

To efficiently scrape the
web application, it is important to understand the website’s structure. This helps to identify the elements we want to scrape and familiarise ourselves with them.

To do this, navigate to
and input a city or ZIP code into the search bar.

In this tutorial, we will be looking at properties in Brooklyn, New York.

Once you see the property listings, right-click on one of the property cards. From the context menu that appears, select the “Inspect” option. This action opens the browser’s developer tools, which allow you to inspect the underlying HTML code of the webpage.

The developer tools make it easier to analyze the HTML structure of the property card. Look for the HTML tags containing the data you wish to scrape. Also, take note of the attributes of those tags.

Most tags are given attributes that correspond to the information they contain. This information may include the property’s address, price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, status, and listing agency.

Note: Web applications, including Zillow, often update their layout and structure. As a result, the specific HTML tags and attributes you’re currently scraping may change over time. It’s crucial to periodically check your scraping code to ensure it continues to function effectively.

Scraping Zillow Listings with Python


To gather Zillow data, we’ll use Python to interact with
ScrapingBee’s API
. Install
, and

Moving on, create a virtual environment ( for example using
) and then run the following commands in your terminal:

pip install beautifulsoup4 lxml

Beautiful Soup
simplifies the process of extracting data from web pages by parsing HTML and XML documents, providing a convenient way to navigate and search your HTML documents. When combined with the “lxml” parser package, Beautiful Soup offers superior performance and efficiency in handling extensive volumes of data.

Avoid Getting Blocked with ScrapingBee

Many websites, including Zillow, use anti-scraping measures to prevent automated data extraction from their websites. These measures include CAPTCHAs, IP address blocking, and honeypot traps.

CAPTCHAs are specifically designed puzzles used to differentiate between humans and bots. CAPTCHA works by blocking IP addresses associated with bots that fail to solve its puzzles.

Honeypot traps are hidden elements on a webpage that can only be detected by bots. Any interaction with these traps can trigger an automatic block.

We help you handle these anti-scraping measures effectively by rotating proxies to avoid IP bans. We also have some automatic mechanisms to solve CAPTCHAs, ensuring uninterrupted data extraction. This allows you to concentrate on extracting and analyzing the data while
handles most of the heavy lifting for you.

Setting Up ScrapingBee

You’ll need to install the
ScrapingBee Python SDK
to start:

pip install scrapingbee 

Once installed, proceed to
sign up
for an account. After signing up, you get an API key and you are also rewarded with 1000 free credits!

Navigate to your
to copy your ScrapingBee API key.

Then you can proceed to integrate
into your web scraping project!

Step-by-step Guide

Step 1: Import Libraries and Set Up the Client

In this step, we will import the necessary libraries and initialize the ScrapingBee client. BeautifulSoup will also be used to parse the HTML content.

from  bs4  import  BeautifulSoup

import  json

from  scrapingbee  import  ScrapingBeeClient

Step 2: Define the Scraping Function

Create a function scrape_zillow_listings that takes the base URL of Zillow’s listings, the number of pages you wish to scrape, and the name of the JSON file where the scraped data will be stored:

def  scrape_zillow_listings(base_url,  num_pages_to_scrape,  json_filename):

Step 3: Loop Through Pages

To scrape Zillow listings at scale, we will use a for loop to iterate through the number of pages you intend to scrape:

for  page_number  in  range(1,  num_pages_to_scrape  +  1):

    page_url  =  f"{base_url}/{page_number}_p/"

The for loop iterates over each page number within the specified range. The page_url variable holds the URL for the current page, which is constructed by appending the page number to the base URL.

To scrape the next page, you can construct the URL by adding a path like this — ”
” and keep changing the page number based on how many pages you need to scrape for your project. This method allows you to easily scrape multiple pages of Zillow’s real estate data at scale.

Step 4: Make Requests with ScrapingBee

Initialize the ScrapingBeeClient with your API key and make a GET request to the constructed URL:

client  =  ScrapingBeeClient(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")

response  =  client.get(page_url,  params={"stealth_proxy":  "True",  "wait_browser":  "load"})

The client.get() method sends a GET request to the given page_url. The params dictionary contains parameters that modify the behavior of the request.

The stealth_proxy parameter ensures that each request is sent from a pool of proxies that should be enough to scrape even the most impregnable websites. This is crucial for avoiding being blocked by Zillow’s anti-bot mechanisms.

The wait_browser parameter tells the client to wait for the page to load completely before returning the response.

Note: Don’t forget to replace “Your_API_Key” with your actual ScrapingBee API key.

Step 5: Parse the HTML Content

First, check if the response status code is 200, indicating a successful HTTP request. Then, parse the HTML content using BeautifulSoup:

if  response.status_code  ==  200:

    soup  =  BeautifulSoup(response.content,  "lxml")

Here, “response.content” contains the raw HTML content of the page, and “lxml” specifies the parser to be used.

Step 6: Find Listing Elements

The next step involves finding all the listing elements on the page. These elements contain the data we’re interested in scraping.

listing_elements  =  soup.find_all("li",  class_="ListItem-c11n-8-84-3__sc-10e22w8-0")

The find_all method is called on the soup object and searches for all specified tag and class occurrences. These properties are part of a list with the class name “ListItem-c11n-8-84-3__sc-10e22w8-0”. Hence, it looks for all ‘li’ elements with the class “ListItem-c11n-8-84-3__sc-10e22w8-0”

Next, iterate through each listing element and extract the necessary information. Use conditional checks to handle any missing information.

Use a ternary conditional operator for each information piece to check if the element exists. If it does not exist, assign the string “N/A” as the value.

To extract each property listing’s URL, loop through each listing element.

for  listing  in  listing_elements:

    url_element  =  listing.find("a",  {"data-test":  "property-card-link"})

    url  =  url_element.get("href")  if  url_element  else "N/A"

The “.find” method is used to locate the first occurrence of an “a” element with the “data-test” attribute set to “property-card-link” within each listing element. The “get” method is then used to retrieve the “href” attribute from the “a” element, which is the URL of the property listing.

Next, extract the address of the property from the “address” element within each listing.

address  =  listing.find("address",  {"data-test":  "property-card-addr"})

address  =  address.text.strip()  if  address  else  "N/A"

The find method locates the “address” element with the data-test attribute set to property-card-addr. 

Proceed to get the text content of the “address” element, which represents the address of the property.

Then, proceed to extract the property price from the “span” element with the data-test attribute set to property-card-price.

price  =  listing.find("span",  {"data-test":  "property-card-price"})

price  =  price.text.strip()  if  price  else  "N/A"

Extracting the Listing’s Number of Beds and Baths

To extract the number of beds and baths, use CSS selectors to find the appropriate “li” items within the “ul” tag.

beds_element  =  listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('bds') b")

beds  =  beds_element.text.strip()  if  beds_element  else  "N/A"

baths_element  =  listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('ba') b")

baths  =  baths_element.text.strip()  if  baths_element  else  "N/A"

The “select_one” method uses the specified CSS selector to find the first matching element. The “:soup-contains()” pseudo-class is a custom filter introduced in BeautifulSoup 4.7.1 and later versions, which selects elements if their text contains a specified substring.

Continuing with the extraction process, extract the size of the property in square feet from the HTML by adding the following code to the script:

size_element  = listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('sqft') b")

size_sqft  =  size_element.text.strip()  if  size_element  else  "N/A"

Extract the property description, which includes the status and the listing agent information. Add the following code to the script:

status_element  =  listing.find(

    "div",  class_="StyledPropertyCardDataArea-c11n-8-84-3__sc-yipmu-0 dbDWjx"


status_text  =  status_element.get_text(strip=True)  if  status_element  else  "N/A"

status  =  status_text.split('-')[-1].strip()  if  "-"  in  status_text  else  status_text

listing_by_element  =  listing.find(

    "div",  class_="StyledPropertyCardDataArea-c11n-8-84-3__sc-yipmu-0 jretvB"


listing_by  =  listing_by_element.text.strip()  if  listing_by_element  else  "N/A"

The find method is used to locate the “div” elements with the specified classes containing the status and listing agent information. The “get_text” method retrieves the text content of these elements, and string manipulation methods are applied to extract the relevant parts.

Extracting the Price History and Zestimate

In addition to the basic property details, we can enhance our scraping by fetching additional data such as the price history and the Zestimate for each listing. To achieve this, define a new function “scrape_listing_details” that takes the listing URL and the ScrapingBee client as arguments.

Here’s the function:

def  scrape_listing_details(listing_url,  client):

    print(f"Making request for URL: {listing_url}")

    response  =  client.get(



            "stealth_proxy":  "True",



    details  =  {"Price History":  [],  "Zestimate":  None}

    if  response.status_code  == 200:

        print("Request successful")

        soup  =  BeautifulSoup(response.content,  "lxml")

        # Scrape the Zestimate value

        zestimate_element  =  soup.find("p",  {"data-testid":  "primary-zestimate"})

        if  zestimate_element:

            zestimate  =  zestimate_element.get_text(strip=True)

            details["Zestimate"]  =  zestimate  

        # Scrape the Price History table

        price_history_table  =  soup.find("table",  class_="StyledTableComponents__StyledTable-sc-shu7eb-2")

        if  price_history_table:

            rows  =  price_history_table.find("tbody").find_all("tr")

            for  row  in  rows:

                # Extract the details from each row

                cells  =  row.find_all("td")

                if  len(cells)  == 3: # Ensuring the row matches the expected format

                    date  =  cells[0].get_text(strip=True)

                    event  =  cells[1].get_text(strip=True)

                    price_text  =  cells[2].get_text(strip=True)

                    if  "$"  in  price_text:


                            price  =  price_text.split('$')[1] # Split and access the price part

                            price  =  f"${price}" # Reformat to include the dollar sign

                        except  IndexError:

                            price  =  "N/A"  


                        price  =  "N/A"

                    details["Price History"].append({"Date":  date,  "Event":  event,  "Price":  price})

    return  details

This function sends a request to the listing URL, parses the response, and looks for the “Zestimate” and the price history table. It extracts the Zestimate value and iterates over the rows of the price history table, storing each entry in a list. The function then returns a dictionary with the price history and Zestimate.

Now, integrate this function into the main scraping script by calling the scrape_listing_details function after extracting each listing URL:

for  listing  in  listing_elements:

    url_element  =  listing.find("a",  {"data-test":  "property-card-link"})

    url  =  url_element.get("href")  if  url_element  else  "N/A"

  if  url  !=  "N/A":

details  =  scrape_listing_details(url,  client)


       details  =  {"Price History":  "N/A",  "Zestimate":  "N/A"}

Step 8: Save the Data to a JSON File

After extracting the listing data, save it to a JSON file:

with  open(json_filename,  "w")  as  json_file:

    json.dump(scraped_data,  json_file,  indent=4)

  print(f"Scraped Results successfully saved to {json_filename}!")

Step 9: Run the Scraper

Lastly, call the “scrape_zillow_listings” function with the required arguments. To run the scraper, provide a URL for a Zillow search results page. The URL should look like this:{city-or-zip}_rb/
, where {city-or-zip} will be replaced with the name of the city or the ZIP code to be scraped.

base_url  =  ""

num_pages_to_scrape  =  5

json_filename  =  "zillow_listings.json"

scrape_zillow_listings(base_url,  num_pages_to_scrape,  json_filename)

After running this code, you should have a JSON file named zillow_listings.json containing the scraped data in your project directory.

Full Zillow Scraper Code

Here’s the full code for the scraper we built in this tutorial. Don’t forget to replace “Your_ScrapingBee_API_Key” with your unique ScrapingBee API key, you can retrieve this API key

from  bs4  import  BeautifulSoup

import  json

from  scrapingbee  import  ScrapingBeeClient

def  scrape_listing_details(listing_url,  client):

    print(f"Making request for URL: {listing_url}")

    response  =  client.get(



            "stealth_proxy":  "True",



    details  =  {"Price History":  [],  "Zestimate":  None}

    if  response.status_code  ==  200:

        print("Request successful")

        soup  =  BeautifulSoup(response.content,  "lxml")

        # Scrape the Zestimate value

        zestimate_element  =  soup.find("p",  {"data-testid":  "primary-zestimate"})

        if  zestimate_element:

            zestimate  =  zestimate_element.get_text(strip=True)

            details["Zestimate"]  =  zestimate 

        # Scrape the Price History table

        price_history_table  =  soup.find("table",  class_="StyledTableComponents__StyledTable-sc-shu7eb-2")

        if  price_history_table:

            rows  =  price_history_table.find("tbody").find_all("tr")

            for  row  in  rows:

                # Extracting the details from each row

                cells  =  row.find_all("td")

                if  len(cells)  ==  3: # Making sure the row matches the expected format

                    date  =  cells[0].get_text(strip=True)

                    event  =  cells[1].get_text(strip=True)

                    price_text  =  cells[2].get_text(strip=True)

                    if  "$"  in  price_text:


                            price  =  price_text.split('$')[1] # Split and access the price part

                            price  =  f"${price}" # Reformat to include the dollar sign

                        except  IndexError:

                            price  =  "N/A" # if the expected part is not found


                        price  =  "N/A"

                    details["Price History"].append({"Date":  date,  "Event":  event,  "Price":  price})

    return  details

def  scrape_zillow_listings(base_url,  num_pages_to_scrape,  json_filename):

    # Initialize a list to store the scraped data

    scraped_data  =  []

    for  page_number  in  range(1,  num_pages_to_scrape  +  1):

        # Construct the URL for the current page

        page_url  =  f"{base_url}/{page_number}_p/"

        client  =  ScrapingBeeClient(



        print(f"Making Request for page {page_number} ... ")

        response  =  client.get(



                "stealth_proxy":  "True",

                "wait_browser":  "load",



        # Check if the request was successful

        if  response.status_code  ==  200:

            soup  =  BeautifulSoup(response.content,  "lxml")

            # Find all the listing elements on the current page

            listing_elements  =  soup.find_all("li",  class_="ListItem-c11n-8-84-3__sc-10e22w8-0")

            # Iterate through each listing element

            for  listing  in  listing_elements:

                # Check edge case

                if  listing.find("div",  {"data-renderstrat":  "timeout"}):


                # Extract the URL from the 'a' tag within the listing

                url_element  =  listing.find("a",  {"data-test":  "property-card-link"})

                url  =  url_element.get("href")  if  url_element  else  "N/A"

                if  url  !=  "N/A":

                    details  =  scrape_listing_details(url,  client)


                    details  =  {"Price History":  "N/A",  "Zestimate":  "N/A"}

                # Extract information from other elements with conditional checks

                address  =  listing.find("address",  {"data-test":  "property-card-addr"})

                address  =  address.text.strip()  if  address  else  "N/A"

                price  =  listing.find("span",  {"data-test":  "property-card-price"})

                price  =  price.text.strip()  if  price  else  "N/A"

                # Extract bed, bath, and size using CSS selectors

                beds_element  =  listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('bds') b")

                beds  =  beds_element.text.strip()  if  beds_element  else  "N/A"

                baths_element  =  listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('ba') b")

                baths  =  baths_element.text.strip()  if  baths_element  else  "N/A"

                size_element  =  listing.select_one("ul.StyledPropertyCardHomeDetailsList-c11n-8-84-3__sc-1xvdaej-0 li:-soup-contains('sqft') b")

                size_sqft  =  size_element.text.strip()  if  size_element  else  "N/A"

                status_element  =  listing.find(

                    "div",  class_="StyledPropertyCardDataArea-c11n-8-84-3__sc-yipmu-0 dbDWjx"


                status_text  =  status_element.get_text(strip=True)  if  status_element  else  "N/A"

                status  =  status_text.split('-')[-1].strip()  if  "-"  in  status_text  else  status_text

                listing_by_element  =  listing.find(

                    "div",  class_="StyledPropertyCardDataArea-c11n-8-84-3__sc-yipmu-0 jretvB"


                listing_by  =  listing_by_element.text.strip()  if  listing_by_element  else  "N/A"

                # Store the extracted information as a dictionary

                listing_data  =  {

                    "URL":  url,

                    "Address":  address,

                    "Price":  price,

                    "Beds":  beds,

                    "Baths":  baths,

                    "Size (sqft)":  size_sqft,

                    "Status":  status,

                    "Listing By":  listing_by,



                # Append the listing data to the list


    # Export the scraped data to a JSON file

    with  open(json_filename,  "w")  as  json_file:

        json.dump(scraped_data,  json_file,  indent=4)

        print(f"Scraped Results successfully saved to {json_filename}!")

# Specify the base URL, number of pages to scrape, and preffered filename

base_url  =  ""

num_pages_to_scrape  =  5

json_filename  =  "zillow_listings.json"

# Call the scraping function

scrape_zillow_listings(base_url,  num_pages_to_scrape,  json_filename)

Zillow Scraping Results

The output will be stored in a JSON file, zillow_listings.json.

 "URL": "",
 "Address": "1338 Park Place, Crown Heights, NY 11213",
 "Price": "$275K",
 "Beds": "4",
 "Baths": "2",
 "Size (sqft)": "1,815",
 "Status": "Auction",
 "Price History": [
 "Date": "9/10/2010",
 "Event": "Sold",
 "Price": "$175,000-41.8%"
 "Date": "12/3/2009",
 "Event": "Sold",
 "Price": "$300,500-53.8%"
 "Date": "8/28/2008",
 "Event": "Sold",
 "Price": "$650,000+364.3%"
 "Date": "1/20/2005",
 "Event": "Sold",
 "Price": "$140,000"
 "Zestimate": "$274,700"
 "URL": "",
 "Address": "173 E 31st St, Brooklyn, NY 11226",
 "Price": "$250,000",
 "Beds": "2",
 "Baths": "2",
 "Size (sqft)": "1,976",
 "Status": "family home for sale",
 "Price History": [
 "Date": "1/24/2024",
 "Event": "Listed for sale",
 "Price": "$250,000-54.5%"
 "Date": "12/11/2015",
 "Event": "Listing removed",
 "Price": "$1,850"
 "Date": "10/21/2015",
 "Event": "Listed for rent",
 "Price": "$1,850"
 "Date": "5/1/2008",
 "Event": "Listing removed",
 "Price": "$549,000"
 "Date": "4/11/2008",
 "Event": "Listed for sale",
 "Price": "$549,000+5.7%"
 "Zestimate": "$252,500"
... More listing data

Each listing in the JSON file includes key details such as the URL, address, price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, listing status, price history, zestimate, and the entity responsible for the listing.

The JSON data format allows for easy integration with data analysis tools and applications. This also enables you to perform in-depth market research, trend analysis, or any other project requiring real estate data.

Wrapping Up

You’ve learned to scrape Zillow’s real estate data at scale with Python, BeautifulSoup, and ScrapingBee’s API. With this powerful combination, you were able to programmatically access and extract valuable information from one of the largest real estate platforms.

You’ve learned to understand Zillow’s site structure, identify data points for scraping, and how to automate data extraction with Python. You’ve also learned about Zillow’s anti-scraping methods and how ScrapingBee’s features, like stealth proxies and CAPTCHA solving, help overcome these challenges.

If you have any questions or uncertainties about scraping public data from Zillow, our support team is here to help. You can reach out to us via
or live chat on our website. Our professional team will gladly consult you on any matter related to scraping public data from Zillow

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Scrape Zillow?

To obtain comprehensive information on property prices, locations, features, and trends. With Zillow’s data, you can perform market analysis, stay updated on the industry, evaluate competition, and make data-driven decisions that align with your goals.

Why use ScrapingBee?

ScrapingBee handles JavaScript rendering and can bypass anti-bot measures, making it a reliable tool for your web scraping projects.

💡Interested in scraping more property data? Check out our guide on
How to scrape Airbnb data


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