Scrape LandWatch Property Listings Data is one of the largest rural property listing websites. It is a part of network. LandWatch allows users to search for a variety of land types including agricultural land, recreational land, undeveloped land and other types of real estate. In this article you will learn how to scrape property listing data. Details like address, price, availability status, seller/agent contact details etc. can be scraped from

Using WebHarvy for scraping

We are going to use WebHarvy to scrape data from property listing pages. WebHarvy is a visual web scraper which can be used to scrape data from any website. It is very easy to use and allows you to select data to scrape via simple mouse clicks from web pages.

WebHarvy can also be used to scrape data from other real estate websites like Realtor, Trulia, Zillow, RedFin etc. If you have not used WebHarvy before, we would recommend that you refer our getting started guide.

Video: How to scrape LandWatch?

The following video shows how WebHarvy can be used to scrape data from As you can see, WebHarvy contains a built in web browser using which you can load and navigate web pages. The data which you need to scrape can be selected using simple mouse clicks.

Steps to follow to scrape LandWatch

  1. Download and install WebHarvy
  2. Open WebHarvy and load the property listings page
  3. Start Configuration
  4. Select the first listing and apply Scroll List option from the Capture window. This will smoothly scroll the page down so that all listings are correctly loaded
  5. Click the link to load second page and set it as the next page link
  6. Scroll back up to the first listing and start selecting data
  7. Details like address, price, URL etc. can be selected by directly clicking over its text. WebHarvy will show a Capture window with various options whenever you click over any data item displayed on the page. To capture the text of the clicked item, select the ‘Capture Text’ option.
  8. Use the Follow this link option to follow links and scrape data from property details pages
  9. The Capture Following Text option can be used whenever the data which you need to scrape appears after a heading text
  10. Stop Configuration
  11. Save Configuration
  12. Start Mine


If you have any questions please contact our support or refer to our troubleshooting / how-to guides. A 15 days free trial version of WebHarvy can be downloaded from our website.


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